The Ultimate Squad

So, it’s my turn (Carrot) to bring the team together for this week’s post. I have been wondering what the ultimate climbing crew would be, and so I asked Gaia and Sarah to join me in making the ultimate climbing squad, with the only caveat being that our squad members have to be cartoon characters.

Here’s the deal: Each of us picks two toons to add to our climbing squad, and we have to explain what they bring to the table



I mean what kind of a squad would we be if we didn’t have a crag dog, and for my money Snoopy would make the best crag dog in the world.   He loves people (in his own way), has a fantastic imagination, and even comes with his own crag bird…with no Snoopy there is no squad!


Have you ever seen Pooh Bear Climb? Look at that picture perfect figure-four lock-off on the throw to that hueco. Yes, his experience is primarily with trees, but skills is skills, and Winne comes in hard with the good stuff. Plus you get the bonus snacking on honey between climbs…come on, climbing with Winnie the Pooh would be a dream come true.



Toph: Just pointing out the fact that she is an earth bender sums up all of the reasons why I would -HANDS DOWN- have her as a member of our crew. Imagine having the possibility to rest while at the crux, because your great friend, Toph, earth bent a ledge out of the wall! She is sarcastic, loyal, and…Oh yeah, she earth bends.


Dean and Martin Kratt: The Kratt brothers are actually real people but, this time, I’ll call for the cartoon version of these fantastic individuals! The Wild Kratts are two upbeat, funny, and extremely knowledgeable explorers. They know every possible fact about fauna and its diversity. Also, they have the ability to gain creature powers with their creature suits! If you want to be safe while exploring in any region of the world, the Wild Kratts are the ones to call!!!



Rick (From Rick and Morty): Rick is your typical intelligent asshole who in times of need will either fix the situation (which he probably caused to happen) or give you some good ol’ tough love to make you feel so much better about yourself. He would be willing to help you take on any task!!

Donnie Thornberry: Donnie is your perfect wild man. Ready to take on nature and any route, from vine swinging to ant eating. He’s your perfect guide to all things outdoors.

So, that is our ultimate squad, are we missing anyone, if so let us know?  Who would you pick to be a part of your ultimate squad?

Happy Trails,



18 Replies to “The Ultimate Squad”

    1. Oh man, you have to share your ideas with us when they come to fruition!!! We can’t wait to see what you come up with!


  1. Winnie would also help your find some snacks – I have not tried rock climbing before but know hiking makes you super hungry, especially in high altitudes. Go Pooh Bear 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Love your blog posts , do you have any advice for a blogger starting out on how to get so many followers and views like you have , Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’d say be active in your community…you review film, so interact with other film writers, and do something different, if all you do is review film then what would draw people to your site, when there are millions of others that do the same thing? What can you do to stand out, it’s very difficult, but there is always something. Keep tinkering, you’ll figure it out!


  3. I may have to add Wiley Coyote. Have you seen how he manages to top those desert spires with all of that ACME Equipment? The guy is AMAZING! Also, he never lets failure discourage him. Fun story.

    Liked by 1 person

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