Activity and Depression.

I would like to start off by saying I apologize for the late post this week! Being a college student can get a little hectic at times.

In other news, I would like to talk about depression and the benefits of physical activity. I’m aware that I post a lot about mental illness and my struggles with, so if this sounds too redundant for you…sorry. But it’s an issue close to my heart, and as a Psychology major I feel as though I need to advocate.

Over the past month and a half I have really been pushing my limits on the amount of activity I spend doing in a week. From Cross fit, climbing, and even jumping back into Hockey. I find that the more I move my body and provide it with an outlet the easier it is on my mind. I think it’s true what they say, that exercise can be one of the biggest and best anti-depressants a person can get. And of course there has to be mention of the increase of feel good endorphins.

But what I find most compelling, especially in my case is the fact that I can just forget everything and focus on what I’m doing. I can forget all my worries or issues and just focus on doing all the activities correctly. I also find that after the exercise is done I feel more confident, I find myself interacting with many people around me (which as an introvert, never happens).

In the past I was always placed and told I needed medication, and last year I decided to cut that out of the equation. I won’t say it’s been an easy journey but it has definitely been well worth it. I no longer feel empty, I have more desire to do the things I once loved. I guess what I’m trying to say in this post is that even though you may not want to, you should use exercise for what it is. give your body what it needs, even if it’s just a walk around the block. Because some of us have a harder time finding what is really needed.

As always thank you for stopping in!!






89 Replies to “Activity and Depression.”

  1. A very educational and empowering post. Exercise compels you to use all of your senses and cognitive abilities, which are things which become ‘foggy’ during depression. Excellent post 👏🏻


    1. I definitely agree. Exercise helps me take my mind off of everything and makes me feel good afterwards, even the day leading up to exercise I get excited that I’m going to be busy💪😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Exercising can be a huge help in starting a “new life”. As a trainer, I’ve seen many people completely transform their lives. It’s amazing how it can help on self-confidence. Great post! Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yes! I live on a ranch and work with horses, the days that I’m outside and busy working are definitely better. Plus when I get in for the day it’s easier for me to sit and write and be productive in the evenings without my anxiety creeping up on me. Keep it up!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. So glad to hear you’re beating depression through exercise. So many benefits with exercise! I have suffered on and off with depression for many years and keeping fit, getting enough sleep, eating right, generally taking good care of yourself are all good ways to fight the big D! Blessings on you, friend! Thanks for reading my blog! Happy New Year!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Yes, I totally agree. I’m such a better mommy/wife when I hit the gym. I also have more confidence after and give more eye contact to people I’m talking to. My son goes back to school next week so I’ll be going back to my routine with the baby at the gym’s day care. I can’t wait…


  6. No such thing as redundancy when it comes to this topic. Please keep talking about depression and mental health. Join the “movement” and spread the word so there ar no longer any negative connotations attached to talking about it.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. I have found I need exercise as well as an outlet for anxiety. You focus on something else and wear yourself out. 🙂

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  8. I’ll keep this short but in many ways, yes! It helps a great deal because it gets your heart pumping and releases endorphins… it’s a great way to make you feeling better on your dark days. Having said that, getting started is the hard part!

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  9. But I also think what’s really important in getting active, is finding something you really enjoy. I’ve often felt like I should go to the gym because it certainly does make me happier, but that’s not enough of a reason in itself to go to the gym – because if you don’t enjoy the gym, chances are you’ll stop doing it after a while, even if the benefits from the exercise are great! So, I guess I would just add, it has to be an activity you really enjoy. I love badminton – I actually look forwards to playing it because I enjoy the game, not just the serotonin release from exercise itself. I feel this is often forgotten in the media aimed towards getting active. When I went to the gym, I essentially felt like I was willingly going to torture myself, for the happiness and tranquility I feel at the end. When I go to badminton, I am willingly going to play a game, with the added benefit that it makes me feel better – no sacrifices/torture necessary! Nice post though 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Yes, yes, yes!! Exercise as part of the routine is an absolute must …. I’d read about it but the thought of ‘joining a club’ or donning my trainers to run around the park really didn’t appeal, but I just did it without over-thinking too much. I joined a club for tennis and every time I get in the car to go, a sense of happiness creeps over me. Heaven! And long may it last – suffice to say, if I could, I’d say it’s absolutely necessary as part of a recovery process.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Thank you for sharing this Sarah. I think people really underestimate the power of physical activity when it comes to our mood; not only on the premise that it helps you feel good about yourself and rejuvenates your energy but you are completely is a powerful tool in training our mind to focus on the present moment, to not run off with our thoughts and worries but to focus on a task at hand..having that escape from reality almost, even for half an hour, and almost being in a mindful, meditative state is powerful.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. I too have depression and in a wheelchair so physical activity is out but I use my crafts asa help with it…some days are good and some bad

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  13. I’m trying to ‘re kindle my love with physical activity. I use to love cycling then a freak accident stopped it and now I just can’t find my love again. Reading your blog has made me realise I need it back so thank you 😊

    Liked by 3 people

  14. I completely agree… i like to go hiking in the spanish mountains to beat my depression…. i am currently in the process of trying to recover and get healthier after a few years of depression but it is a struggle still sometimes xxxx

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  15. I’ve struggled with depression for years, something that truly helps me is Yoga!

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  16. Agreed! Running seems to do it for me, even if I am the world’s worst runner. Sending positive vibes 😊😊

    Liked by 2 people

  17. Hey buddy, thanks for sharing. Below tells you about the journey i started last year. Exercise features heavily on my journey. Follow how i get on
    Hi., My name is Barry.

    I’m a big reader of self help and personal development books. I’ve read and listened to loads now with out putting action in to the words I read/listen too

    I decided in January 2017 to start recording my journey and see what I could learn from setting my own goals targets and really pushing myself. I decided it was important to wait a year before publishing any post and my dairies. Well this is where I am now!

    It’s been a rocky trip and I talk about my battles with alcohol, drugs, anxiety, depression, work and feeling alone! Its not all bad and I have many highs too but ultimately I’m sticking to a commitment I made myself a year ago. A project for change to help me and others.

    A Year Ago Today

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  18. “In the past I was always placed and told I needed medication, and last year I decided to cut that out of the equation. I won’t say it’s been an easy journey but it has definitely been well worth it.”

    This really hit close to home. I agree. Physical activity is a must. As the chemical imbalance in our brain is able to focus so perfectly on sadness to keep us down, as we build ourselves through physical activity, that imbalance finds its way to shoot us high and remind us that HEY you CAN focus on something different, something positive and productive can overpower an internal struggle.

    I too have encountered this life adventure, trying to find solutions, working with others, building confidence in myself.

    Happy reading!

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Absolutely – lots of activity, preferably in the great outdoors! It’s a panacea for most of our 21st century ailments as it’s what we are wired for (8-10 hour days of hunting & gathering), and thus what is naturally good for us. Getting in touch with our physical and spiritual selves in nature is the path to healthy bliss and balance, I say.

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  20. My college days were mostly over forty years ago but I still find it very true that activity is a big help against depression. The physiological benefits (endorphin, dopamine, etc) and the “focusing my brain on other things” aspect have been very effective for me. And, hey, if you can take a 30-mile bike ride through lovely country, that’s even better.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    Liked by 1 person

  21. Have to agree on activity and depression. Sitting around will never make anyone feel better. As our sister in law always says….”Just Do It”. Hmm, could be a Nike slogan too. Cheers

    Liked by 1 person

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